Bespoke Training


Because of the wealth of experience that we have at Varsity Training, we are able to offer specific training packages to organisations.

We specialise in Person Centred Practice and are able to offer a range of programmes that can help your organisation to become more person centred. We can coach teams on the introduction of person centred planning and individual person centred tools, along with advice on what it is to be person centred.

Dealing with individuals whose behaviour can be seen as challenging is a difficult and time-consuming activity for any caring organisation. We have a wealth of experience in working with individuals who express themselves through behaviour that presents a challenge to the service, and offer a range of sessions to support staff teams. These sessions can range from information and advice sessions to full assessments of individual needs and a consultancy service on how an organisation should work with a challenging individual. These situations are always very complicated and require a holistic approach that takes into account the needs of the individual, carers and the organisation.

If you have identified an area of need within your organisation and require training that is focused on the specific demands of your unique situation, then we have the depth of knowledge and resources to help. A member of our team will be happy to come and discuss with you – with no obligation and in the strictest confidence – what your needs are, and if we can help.